Friday, June 10, 2011

Continued progress

Yesterday I saw 6 patients. I was pretty sore at the end of the day and my back was really tired. I got a good nights rest and am back at it today. I felt stronger on my first patients this morning so that is progress. I also got a chiropractic adjustment today and some quantum neurology work which really helped improve my gait. My chiropractor made the statement that he's never seen anyone as bad as I was recover without surgery. I'd say this is a testament to the strength training I had prior to the injury and to the power of chiropractic, nutritional supplementation, an attitude of not giving up and not considering surgery an option. And most importantly the power of prayer. Though I'm not there yet, I do expect a full recovery. My patients have been wonderful and very understanding. I have the best patients ever and love and appreciate them all dearly. Thank you for your loyalty.


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