Wednesday, August 27, 2008

VO2 Max

All the cool kids seem to be doing this. And since my conditioning has gone to crap I'm using an abbreviated version of it. I did my 3rd one today.
5 reps per 15 sec and only 10 total sets (5 min) but I don't want to overextend myself. Just for grins I did 7 rep/set on my last 2. I almost had the bell at the top when the timer went off. These folks that are getting 9/set are absolutely flying.
I will add a couple sets as I feel ready.
Sent in my new ASI last week and should have results next week to see if I'm gaining ground on the adrenals.
If things don't look too bad I'll work up to 10 mins. But that's still a drop in the bucket when compared to the 80 sets of 8 reps that the program calls for. I'm okay with that though. I've got the bigger picture in mind.

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