Saturday, January 9, 2010

Day 4

I'm now 4 days into the 40 day workout. I've had 3 on 1 off 1 on and scheduled for another day on today. Posterior chain has varied between conventional DL and single leg DL. Pressing has been BB press and ring push ups. Pulls have consistently been chins and kneeling ab wheel roll out have tested well daily. And snatches testing well every day.
In the past I had shied away from stretching and foam rolling because of what I had read from the folks promoting Z health. But since Adam and the folks behind the biofeedback movement challenged me to test everything I've added it back in with very positive results. Warm ups consist of movement prep with primarily FMS drills and a couple sets of light goblet squats. Not the mention the testing itself provides some warm up. Yesterday was able to get in a few shoe iso's and gripbell curls, meaning they tested well.
Goals for the next 6 months:
DL 300+ lbs
MP 32kg kb
Snatch 16kg bell 100 reps in 5 mins
Body comp under 10% - current 14%
and Adonis Index, which is shoulder to hip ratio, to 1.42 - currently 1.36

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great work and way to add something personal to your home. When we moved into our new house we need to fix an existing cheap kitchen cabinet. These guys had an exact match! Amazing. . .