Saturday, June 28, 2008

Stupid hand

My left hand is still causing pain with certain movements. So I've decided to give it a break from exercises that aggravate it. These include DL and pullups. This makes it hard to get a good pull exercise but I'll be working biceps to help make sure the pullup strength is there when I come back to it.
There are a some wrist movements I can do to keep my grip from going to crap.

5min PR zone of KB Front Squat - 2-16kg and 2 handed swings 16kg - 15 reps
5min PR zone of standing kb curls - 2-25# and ring triceps extensions, kneeling - 17 reps
The triceps move is so effective, it doesn't feel like you are working very hard but after doing them on Wednesday I could hardly move my arms on Thurdsday. Yesterday seemed to work out the soreness
Finished with wrist extensions on the fake formulator and leverage block wrist curls.

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