Friday, February 6, 2009

New Goals and new routine

So my current goals are more strongman related. By the end of March I will consistently tear at least 1/2 deck of cards , consistently heart a #2 SCF ultralite, as well as open a #2 SCF polo

Going to be working on my pressing and DL as recovery allows and a little conditioning with snatches.

Currently the plan is as follows: Monday and Friday will be card tearing and shoe bending practice or Iso's , DL and MP as I feel up to it. Wednesday is snatching and wrist curls and plate curls with the leverage block. Tues and Thurs will be DL and MP or some assistance variation such as 1 leg DL.

Today, Iso's on the rubber deck, 1 #2 UL which I only got out to 90 degrees, not sure if it was an off day or I found a tough one because Tuesday I practically hearted one.

MP with the globe dumbbell loaded to about 40# 2/2 x 6
DL - 135# x 5 x 2

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