Saturday, September 15, 2007

Playing around

I've taken a few days off from training because I had a cold and felt like sleeping all the time. Today I played around with some 16kg bells to get ready for getting back on the program next week.
High pulls, :20 on/:20 rest, alternate right and left. 5 sets each arm. I was getting about 9 reps per set.
Practiced double high pull and a few double snatches. I haven't tried snatching double 16's in a couple years but they went right up after a couple high pulls. (Thanks Dave for that training tip).
Finished out with walking alternating MP and two handed swing 16kg. :25/:25 , 2 sets each.
Felt good, breathing hard but never really winded.
Started my morning with Intu-flow beginner level. Also just got my free FlowFit DVD. Check out to get yours.

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