Sunday, October 19, 2008

Oh Yeah!!

My order of #2 ultralites were sitting on the doorstep when I got home yesterday evening. Today got over to the gym to give 'em a go. They straightened out pretty easy and even completed most of a heart. Gotta get my inner thighs toughened up. I should be able to finish the heart when I'm fresh. This is encouraging, I was starting to think the training was taking forever to pay off. Thanks to all those who stand behind me and my training.
Warmed up with a few R-phase moves, leg lowering, toe touch, thoracic rotation and swings. Finished up with some leverage block plate curls. Adam swears by this lift. Get your block from Ryan Pitts at Stronger Grip. Tune in later for my newest "toy" from the creative genius Ryan.


P. J. said...

thanks bro, your training advice helped get me there.

Adam said...


You are getting it PJ. On the leg crush, use both hands to turn the steel. Your thumbs will be sore for a week the first few times, but once they toughen up you will be turning steel like butter.