Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Change of plans

I can feel the supplementation kicking in and forcing my body into healing mode. This means I have less energy and need more rest. So I'm modifying the program again to support that. I'm really going laid back with the whole thing and not pushing hard at all. I was finding that the upper body work didn't leave much gas in the tank for bending and grip work. Since I'm more interested in that I'm only doing grip related stuff for upper body and only some form of a squat for lower body. Monday and Friday will be bending and levering and Wednesday will be gripper, block weights, thick bar. I'll also do some stability work.
Today -
kb hack squat: 20# x 3 reps x 6 sets
gripper: warm up with HG 150 and CoC T ; choked closes with CoC #1.5 , strap holds with Trainer and 5#.
block weights: some dynamic stuff with the 20# and 4 finger lifts , DL and rows with various finger positions on the 25#
Windmills: 16kg x 3/3 x 2

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