Friday, January 4, 2008

day 3, and it was a good day

One of my goals is to be able to do a one-arm pullup. So I'll incorporated them into my training by using bands to reduce my body weight but it will allow me to go through the full range of motion. I really feel the biceps contract at the last couple inches. I'm using a combo of 2 green bands. One girth hitched to the bar the other is draped across the loop creating 2 foot straps. Not sure how much weight it takes off. Also not sure if it is easier or harder than a single band.
OA pullup - 10 singles each arm. L and R were done back to back. A new set was done each 1:20.
These felt pretty good, left was a little stronger than the right. Free hand was touching the band for balance only, no gripping.

5 min rest

Ring dips - bw -( on the rings adds a whole new dimension from bars) 7 sets x 2 reps , again a set done each 1:20

5 min rest

Pullups - bw + 24kg x 1 rep ( decided this was too heavy)
16kg x 1 rep x 4 sets , 1:20 min

Finished with some HLR to stretch arms and lats plus worked the mid-section

Grip work - Pinch, 3 dimes x 15 sec x 2 sets each hand
- two hand pinch, around the world with 20kg bumper plate (these are wiiide)
one set CW, one set CCW , made it about 3/4 around
Finger rolls- bb x 75# x 2 sets x 15 reps
wrist extension with 10# plate, 10/10 and 6/6
did a few arm bars with 25#, this was a nice bicep stretch as much as anything else.
I have a feeling my triceps will be screaming tomorrow or sunday from the dips, plus some muscles I didn't know I had.

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