Wednesday, January 23, 2008

keepin' on

today's training -

ZSQ - 85# x 4 reps x 6 sets , 1:30 rest - I don't even notice the pressure of the weight on my elbows anymore and I'm able to start moving up to a weight that actually works my legs.

Triceps extensions on the rings - kneeling, 4 reps x 6 sets , 1:30 rest - I'll probably post a video of this soon. It is such a great exercise, it feels very fluid while doing it and blasts the triceps.

Finger rolls BB - 85# x 10 , 95# x 10 , these really blow up my forearms

Yesterday did a variety of grip work just playing around, swings with the big grip handle , wrist extension , a little wrist roller.

Tried some electro therapy on the forearms today to see if it helps recovery.

Kris is also seeing good gains and is still amazed by the ability of what would appear to be a simple exercise program to produce such great results. Simple in that you don't feel wasted at the end of your training and aren't doing a bunch of mindless reps for each individual body part. And that you don't get all that sore afterwards. I think he's a convert


Adam said...

For the Zercher, wrap a towel on the bar if you start to get pain in that forearm. This is not a meet, its your training, injury free wins the race...

P. J. said...

I read on a dragondoor article that a towel made the bar a little wobbly so I just wear a sweatshirt and toughed it out. I've acclimated to it now but thanks for the tip.