Friday, January 18, 2008

Tickets to the gun show

ok... so I'm not getting that huge yet.
Got my new bending wraps today. Follow the link to Adam's blog to get yours. Nice heavy duty leather. Did 3- 3/16 round x 5" CRS stock. , 2 - pole barn nails and attempted a 3/16 square x 7" which I just kinked. I think I might be stronger on DU than DO though for the initial kink. The "greens" are folding like butter now. I just need to get some volume in on those. We are checking with our metal working friends to be able to buy long rods in bulk ( I said "long rod" huh-huh). Bending can be an expensive hobby if you have to buy pre-cut stock.
OA pullups - 1/1 x 10 , switched out the lower band to a blue. 1:00 rest/set
5 min rest
Ring dips - 2 reps x 2 sets, 1 rep x 8 sets, 1:00 rest, added a L-sit to the lockout on the last couple reps
5 min rest
ring pullups - 16kg - ladders , 1,2,3 x 2 , 1,2
Going to have some dinner and watch "Night at the Museum" and rest up for the big DL day tomorrow

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