Saturday, January 19, 2008

Video review

A deadlift video , sorry it's sideways I don't know how to change it. But anyway if those of you with some lifting experience would offer some tips or suggestions on technique.


Adam said...

The first rep had some hip raise, but the second looked good. Keep shoving those feet through the floor, lift your heart, and crush that barbell

the side ways is alright, maybe a bit of Spiderman training?

P. J. said...

thanks for the feedback. I'll focus on the feet. I'm still low mileage with this lift even though I've been doing it a couple years. I have to think about each move, anal lock, grip, hip drive, lock scaps, etc. Sometimes hard to remember everything but gets better with more practice.

Iron Tamer said...

I agree that the hips were early on the first rep. You look like it almaost threw you on the lowering too. Maybe just drop it?

If you get a chance with Brett, he can help you a lot this weekend.