Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Cankles are gross

They are even worse on thin girls, you kinda expect them on big girls. Just seeing them turns my stomach and touching them is really bad.

Pullups: 20# x 4,3,3,2,1
Bottoms up C&P : 16 kg x 5/5 x 2
DL : 155# x 5
165# x 5

These were all done at separate times. I started getting that tightness on my right iliac crest again so I spent a lot of time on the foam roller, doing some Z and got an adjustment. No relief yet but I figure morning will be better.

I bent a 3/16 sq x 7" while my friend was there, this was a little tough with no warm-up , plus some iso's on the 1/4" bar. When the leather gives a little you think the metal is going but not yet. Still a great drill though.

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